Lila Bodor
„I fancy something, and then the picture rules. It does never become exactly what I pictured. This is a start-up, a process. A thought comes, a process starts, and at the end a picture springs up. It also occurs though that pictures begin to dance.”
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Distinctive, oddish feelings dawning at the border between dreams and wakefulness are painted by Lilla Bodor. Every motif of her belongs to and arise from reality however, audience are guided by the paintings to territories beyond perceptivity.
Sensibility of the artist and the art of sensibility. Lila Bodor’s channels through pictures.
Colliding mimesis with the pictures of imagination using an optical rule – but what does it mean and how it is realized in the art of painting? I had a talk with Lila Bodor painter-artist about this and other interesting issues.
She graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2007, and already in the same year was awarded Béla Gruber-prize. The book titled ‘Half-Infinity’ was illustrated by her, and that was also rewarded a high-level acknowledgement.
Her current exhibition can be found at Hotel Astoria, Budapest.
There is always a real starting point: a perspective, an actual experience, a motif, and the whole I filter through my imagination. I consider it further, alter it, and this is what constitutes the basis of the painting. In a formal way, I use a system of notations made of images that is an image-world bent peculiarly, characteristically of me. It started from convex mirror, but I already use it as my own shape-connections.
“Mirror is the master of painters” (Leonardo) – and it is definitely like this in case of Lila Bodor. She holds a distorting mirror to the world, so that our fantasy can soar. But wondering how her soaring commenced?
I was hit by the possibility of game that I was able to build a system of notations made of images from it that is not optically exact, thus pictures are not exposed, and I do not even use a mirror for it anymore – I applied one at the beginning. Now I construct by heart, as a matter of fact I use an image-system.
Nevertheless, serious pictures sprang up from the game, and it is reflected by the current exhibition.
One of my favourite works is called Small studio. It was painted early, in the atelier of Hungarian University of Fine Arts. A very simple situation that light falls through the window, and a detail I found intimate was put in an appearance.
The artist is very fond of each and every picture, she would never give out something she is not satisfied with. However, there is almost always a difference between what she envisages and what is realized of it.
I fancy something, and then the picture rules. It does never become exactly what I pictured. This is a start-up, a process. A thought comes, a process starts, and at the end a picture springs up. It also occurs though that pictures begin to dance.
Movement, moves and this power of expression are of a great interest to me and I use this in my paintings as well.
This picture is titled “Birth”. It is visible that there are ‘trickled’ sections in it. I started to paint it in the afternoon the day before my birthday. It was almost ready. I left it to dry on the bench since it was an oil work on canvas. I was woken up by soaking downpour the next day at 5.00 in the morning. My first thought was that I left the painting outside. I was rushing out. It was raining such heavily that it throbbed painting-stains from the canvas, and colours run into one another. This was of an allegoric interest to me at that time. I began to build something and another mind interposed. It is not my intention to mysticism it but I experienced it this way and hence the title Birth. I believe that in case a question is conceived of, we do not have to search for the answer because we will get it. That time I asked a question to myself, and I think it was an answer.
Art of painting is a part of my life, I could not exist without it. It happens that I do not leave the studio for days. A process that can be described by the curve of charging up and work.
CONTEMPORARY PROM; a program shown on television d1, on 12 July 2012 Interview at Hotel Astoria. Presented by Gábor Szerényi, Blanka Mészáros
Awards & Selected exhibitions
- 1994-1998 Tóparti Secondary School of Fine and Applied Arts Székesfehérvár, Class of Zsuzsanna Büki
- 2001-2007 Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Painting Program, Class of József Gaál
- 2008 Association of Hungarian Creative Artists
Scholarships and Awards
- 2006 Erasmus Scholarship at Edinburgh College of Art. Painting Program. Edinburgh, Great Britain
- 2006 Scholarship of the Foundation for the youth of Dunaújváros
- 2007 Gruber Art Award
- 2011 National Cultural Foundation- Creative support
- 2012 Beautiful Hungarian Book 2011. Category of Polite Literature and Juvenile books Nóra Bajnai- Lilla Bodor: Félvégtelen. Scolar Kiadó
- 2012 Darmasiswa Scholarship. Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
Selected Exhibitions
- 2005 Solo exhibition. Lukács Confectionery, Budapest
- 2006 Dance of Life. Solo exhibition. Bartók Theatre and House of Art, Dunaújváros
- 2007 Best of Diploma 2007. Barcsay Hall. Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
- 2007 Fresh Europe 2007. Group exhibition. KOGART House, Budapest
- 2008 Tradition of the City. Exhibition with Veronika Jakatics-Szabó. NetAktív Gallery, Budapest
- 2008 55. Autumn Exhibition Vásárhely János Tornyai Museum, Hódmezővásárhely
- 2008 Propos d’Europe 7.0. Paris-Fehérvárcsurgó Károlyi castle, Fehérvárcsurgó
- 2008 Szalmaszál Foundation Charity Auction. Centrális Gallery CEU, Budapest
- 2009 Solo exhibition. Tolnay Salon. Madách Theatre, Budapest
- 2009 Mood for Tondo. Solo exhibition. Volksbank Gallery Ráday Street, Budapest
- 2010 What iF? Solo Exhibition. IF Jazz Café, Budapest
- 2011 Twelve pictures. ART&Interiors. Brussels, Belgium
- 2012 Night time film. Filter Gallery, Budapest
- 2012 Solo exhibition. Hotel Astoria, Budapest
- 2012 Easy going. Tat Gallery, Budapest

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